Friends provide notable “extras” for programs and services.

Books for discussion groups who get together in-person or meet on-line. Look at Book Groups on the Cascade Park Community (CPC) Library calendar to see the range of interests and readers.
Support for the Library’s Summer Learning Program with materials and supplies, creative presenters, refreshments and more. The program bridges the span from the end of a school year to the start of the next with a variety of activities to help students remember what they’ve learned and be ready for the next school year.
Help make the library a welcoming place that adapts to changing and unexpected needs …
by providing the children’s activity modules, teen furniture, shelving and accessories, sound tiles, portable tables for multiple uses, a fireplace, courtyard furniture, sewing machines …

Our Bookstore is our key fund raiser

Located to the left of the front lobby area, the Bookstore is open when the Library is open.
Volunteers keep the store organized; it is a friendly place to drop-in. Come browse and find unexpected treasures.
Everything is priced to sell. Support the Bookstore:
- BUY books, CDs, DVDs, puzzles and more.
- DONATE books to keep our shelves filled.
- TELL your friends and neighbors about us.