Your donations sustain the Friends Bookstore. In addition to books, we accept DVDs, CDs, audio-books, games and puzzles.
Everything is priced to sell, and they do! Some books return as a donation and back to the shelf they go. Dates written inside the back cover can be a clue to the wonderful recycle-reuse history of some of these well-shared books.
We gratefully accept your donations BUT we have minimal storage space. There is no loading dock.
To avoid overwhelming us, the best way to donate is by the bagful and only what you can carry into the Library. Simply place your donations into the book bin just inside the Bookstore.
If you have any questions, please contact Linda McHan, Friend and Bookstore Manager.

NOTE: We have guidelines for what we sell so we do not accept the following:
- Magazines
- Encyclopedia Sets
- Reader’s Digest condensed books
- Self-help, business, financial, computer books that are more than 4 yrs old.
- Textbooks more than 3 yrs old.
- Excessively worn, marked-up or water-damaged books.
Thank you for your consideration and support!